Normally we wipe our glasses with some shirt, scarf, handkerchief or tissue paper but using just these items are not enough. It is quite possible that you are following this process of cleaning Hyperlite LED Glass Pendant Light. Though it is very important to keep your glasses clean as well as keep them clean with the right products.
There are many tricks and tips by which you can keep Hyperlite LED Glass Pendant Light clean without hurting or scratching. With very common products that are easily available at home and at the market, you can keep Hyperlite LED Glass Pendant Light clean.
First we need to unscrew the glass the follow some of these examples:
Just plain water is going to do no good business for Hyperlite LED Glass Pendant Light. You need to get Hyperlite LED Glass Pendant Light wet and pour in a drop of gentle liquid soap on each glass / lampshades. Properly leather each of the lampshades and rinse thoroughly with cold water. With the help of lint-free towel or cloth wipe the lampshades till they dry. This way Hyperlite LED Glass Pendant Light will be free from dirt, dust, oil and other residues. This is one of the most cost-effective methods of cleaning glasses / lampshades when you want to know how to clean glasses without spray.

Using vinegar is another easy method of cleaning Hyperlite LED Glass Pendant Light. You need a small bowl filled with warm water. To this add two spoons of white vinegar. Now dip a lint-free cotton cloth in the mixture and wipe the glasses / lampshades. Thereafter, rinse the glasses with clean cold water and pat dry with a dry cotton cloth. It will clean away the cloudy, fogginess and white streaks.
Rubbing alcohol is the best way by which you can clean Hyperlite LED Glass Pendant Light without using a spray and the alcohol will not leave any marks either. Take any spray bottle, fill it 3/4th with rubbing alcohol along with a couple of drops of mild dishwashing soap and fill the rest of the bottle with the water. Shake the bottle gently. Your spray bottle for cleaning Hyperlite LED Glass Pendant Light is ready. Now, spray the mixture on Hyperlite LED Glass Pendant Light lampshades and rub gently with a microfibre cloth without lint.
Taking care of our products it is the best way to make them last longer.